
Click on the Update page to access the links


Tentative Timeline

Present Summary of Engagement Report to Council
1st Reading of MDP and LUB

Public Hearing for MDP and LUB (pending the outcome of public engagement and advertising dates for the newspaper)

1st opportunity for consideration of 2nd and 3rd reading

If testimony is presented at the hearing, present Summary of Public Hearing Report to Council and, if required, amending motions for Council’s consideration to incorporate feedback from the hearing. 

Alternate date for consideration of 2nd and 3rd reading


MDP & LUB REVIEW - 2023/2024/2025

Why is the County updating the MDP & LUB?

To keep the direction of the documents current and consistent with regulation such as provincial legislation, properly addressing development trends, alignment with strategic priorities, and consideration for environmental and demographic information. This usually happens every 5-10 years, and the County of Vermilion River has seen a few major milestones such as amalgamation of the now Hamlet of Dewberry and the recent annexation. In addition, the review and updating will provide documents that will be more user-friendly.

It is recognized by both the County and Municipal Planning Services (MPS) that each municipality is unique with varied interests and priorities. With the assistance of MPS, the Municipal Development Plan and Land Use Bylaw can be crafted as a collaborative project with community members to ensure that the documents are relevant, accessible, and implementable planning tools. 

What is a Municipal Development Plan?

The Municipal Development Plan - or MDP - is the long-range plan to guide decision about land use. It establishes a vision for land management and development and identifies high-level direction for land through mapping and policy statements. 

Every MDP must address: future land uses within the municipality, co-ordination of land use, future growth patterns, and infrastructure that connect these uses and areas to the County of Vermilion River. 

What is a Land Use Bylaw?

The Land Use Bylaw - or LUB - is the regulatory document that established specific rules how lands can be developed. Sometimes referred to as Zoning Bylaw, the LUB divides the municipality into different land use districts (or zones) and lists what types of development may be allowed or are prohibited to avoid conflict with other types of development and land uses. 

Both of these documents - or bylaws - allow the decision-making to be established for approving subdivision and development applications. together, the MDP & LUB provide future direction and the day-to-day rules to manage development and land use in a responsible manner within the County of Vermilion River.

About our Consultant

Municipal Planning Services (2009) Ltd. (MPS) has worked with the County of Vermilion River for over 20 years. With their long commitment to the County’s planning, MPS is providing their knowledge and experience to the County’s Municipal Development Plan (MDP) and Land Use Bylaw (LUB) review project.

MPS is a small, Alberta-owned firm based out of Edmonton, Alberta. Their team is comprised of experienced planners who have successfully completed project throughout Alberta mainly for rural municipal clients. Within the last five (5) years, MPS has completed (or are in the process of completing) comprehensive and focused reviews of more than 50 MDPs and LUBs throughout Alberta. MPS has a strong understanding of the legislative framework that governs land management in Alberta, as well as the on-the-ground, site specific development issues relevant to rural municipalities. While MPS provides professional planning services and advice on these projects, they do not decide what the final plan documents will be for each municipality. The final decision on what is best for the County of Vermilion River lies with elected municipal officials.

The well-rounded team at MPS offers a range of consulting services exclusively in the public and non-profit sectors throughout Alberta. Planning work is supported by in-house services that included GIS mapping, graphics production, project management, research, advocacy, and community consultation.

MPS is committed to working collaboratively with their client municipalities, drawing on local knowledge and expertise to develop plans that reflect the unique nature and needs of each community

Municipal Planning Services (


Supporting Information



The Purpose of an Intermunicipal Development Plan (IDP) is to foster a collaborative planning approach for lands along the common boarder between two municipalities. 

Local economies based on agriculture, oil and gas and thriving business, attracting people to live and work in Alberta and our region. Recognizing and improving for opportunities to secure a long-term economic base, establish consistency in land development, and to continue inter-municipal communication in land development matters. 


Supporting Information

2023-2025 - Request for Proposal


Contact the Planning Department for further information - 780.846.2244 / Planning