News & Announcements

The Great Twine Round-Up in Alberta

Cleanfarms, through the ‘Alberta Ag-Plastic. Recycle-It! pilot program is hosting ‘The Great Twine Round-Up’; a new province-wide twine collection contest with four cash prizes of $3,000 each, for the winners’ 4-H club or an Alberta-based agricultural charity of choice.

Here's how to participate:

  • Collect used plastic baler twine in the collection bags provided for free at participating collection sites and select County offices. - You can pick up bags at the County of Vermilion River Office!
  • Mark each bag with your 4-H club/district name and the date, if you’re participating on behalf of a 4-H club or full name/farm name and the date, if you’re participating individually.
  • Drop off the bags at a participating collection site between November 1, 2024, and May 31, 2025, and snap a photo of your bags at the site!
  • Submit your photo through the contest webpage to enter:

The more bags you drop off, the more entries you'll have. You’ll also be helping to keep used baler twine out of landfills and burn piles.

There will be four chances to win:

  • One early-bird prize draw for a winning 4-H club/district in January.
  • Two prize draws at the end of the contest for winning 4-H clubs/districts.
  • One prize draw at the end of the contest for an independent entrant’s Alberta-based agricultural charity of choice.

For more information and full contest rules, visit the contest webpage:

‘The Great Twine Round-Up’ is part of the ‘Alberta Ag Plastic. Recycle it!’ pilot program, through which Alberta farmers return used plastic baler twine and grain bags for recycling. Last year, Cleanfarms recycled 673,000 kg of grain bags and 95,400 kg of twine through this pilot. Learn more about this program:

AAAF Memorial Bursary

The Association of Alberta Agricultural Fieldmen Northeast Region will award two $1000 bursaries to students enrolled in a College or University Agricultural or Environmental Science program. For more information on eligibility requirements and applications, visit the AAAF website.

Avian Influenza

Avian influenza is highly contagious to poultry and presents a significant national concern as wild birds migrate to Canada because of its spread in wild bird populations globally. Avian influenza poses no risk to food safety and the risk to human health is extremely low.

The County of Vermilion River is not directly involved in managing Avian Influenza but is sharing this information as a resource for residents and producers. Any questions should be directed to the CFIA.

Avian influenza, commonly known as “bird flu”, is a contagious viral infection that can affect several species of domestic birds as well as pet birds and wild birds. Bird owners are legally responsible to notify authorities of a suspected infection. The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) provides emergency response to limit the spread of disease and provides support for containment and decontamination. 

Infected premises are placed under quarantine by CFIA and control measures are established on other farms within proximity of the infected premises. Biosecurity measures are important for ALL poultry flocks – please take measures to protect your own and your neighbor’s flocks.

How is avian influenza spread?

  • Diseased wild birds
  • Feed
  • Bedding
  • Water that may have been contaminated by infected bird feces
  • Contact with neighboring flocks
  • New birds added to existing flocks
  • On equipment or clothing and shoes of visitors

How to protect your flock

  • Keep poultry away from areas used by wild birds
  • Store feed where it cannot be contaminated by wild birds
  • Water birds from clean water sources (not ponds or dugouts)
  • Quarantine new birds for 30 days away from your existing flock
  • Limit visitors to your facility
  • Review your facility cleaning and disinfection protocols
  • Monitor your birds for signs of disease and contact your veterinarian or the local CFIA office (403-629-1728) if you suspect your birds are sick

For poultry producers and owners with backyard flocks or pet birds, the CFIA website contains resources on avian flu and biosecurity measures.

Growing Hemp In Alberta

Hemp may potentially be a viable crop alternative within the County of Vermilion River.  Alberta Agriculture and Forestry's "Growing Hemp in Alberta" is a good reference if producers are looking for more information on this crop. 

Growing Hemp in Alberta