For information about these programs please contact the Agriculture and Environment Department at 780-846-2244
Regulated Weed Control Herbicide Rebate Program
The County of Vermilion River is offering an incentive to assist landowners in controlling specified noxious weeds on range and pasture lands and headlands/fence lines within the Municipality. The rebate is available to private landowners, private leasee of public lands and leasee of County owned property.
To qualify for the herbicide rebate, County of Vermilion River landowners must be controlling specified noxious weeds with approved on-label herbicides registered to control that weed. Specified weeds for this Rebate include:
- Yellow toadflax
- Common tansy
- Ox-eye daisy
- Leafy spurge
- Scentless chamomile
- Field bindweed
- Knapweeds
- White cockle
- Hoary alyssum
To access the rebate, landowners must apply in advance to the Agriculture and Environment Department who will determine program eligibility. Upon completion, submit a copy of the herbicide receipts to the Agriculture Department. The rebate covers 50% of the herbicide purchase cost to a maximum of $1000 per landowner per year. Agriculture Department staff have discretion to approve or deny applications within budget limits set by Council.
Weed Warriors Program
The County of Vermilion River Weed Warriors Program provides an opportunity for non-profit and community groups in our municipality to help combat noxious weeds like scentless chamomile or burdock. The County will provide a $500 donation to each group for their assistance. Each year we will also offer two bonus incentives: $100 for the group that picks the most weeds by weight and $100 for the group with the most team spirit.
Your group will start the day with an education session and orientation with County of Vermilion River Weed Inspectors. Then you will head out to your site (selected for you by the Weed Inspectors) and spend half a day picking weeds with our County Ag Team.
- All group participants must be at least 9 years old.
- All minors must be supervised by an adult member of the group.
- Groups must include at least 6 participants.
- Participants must wear sturdy footwear.
- Participants agree to wear gloves and a “Weed Warrior” T shirt (provided by the County during orientation).
Groups must contact the Director of Agriculture and Environment to participate. Opportunities may be limited by scheduling and budget, and Ag Department staff have discretion to approve or deny applications within budget limits set by Council.
Vegetation Management Program
The County of Vermilion River manages vegetation alongside County roads for a variety of reasons, including:
- Increased traffic safety by reducing obstructions in the ditch and improving visibility along roadways and at intersections,
- Reduced vegetation that attracts wildlife to roadsides,
- Reduced snow accumulation concerns and to facilitate snow removal,
- Enhanced road maintenance,
- To control the spread of noxious and prohibited noxious weeds on municipal property, and
- To reduce the spread of crop diseases and pests along municipal roadways (i.e., clubroot of canola, black knot fungus).
Vegetation of concern includes provincially regulated under Alberta’s Weed Control Act like toadflax and scentless chamomile. It also includes any trees or shrubs growing along the roadside, and tall vegetation, including sweet clover, alfalfa, and bromegrass, which reduce visibility, attract animals, and impact road maintenance.
The County’s Roadside Vegetation Management Program uses an Integrated Management Approach with several management tools. We try to make vegetation management decisions that consider the crops adjoining the roadside, wildlife and pollinator usage of the ditches, and other potential roadside users.
For more information about our vegetation program and common weeds in the County see the Invasive Species Crash Course Video: CVR's Vegetation Management Program Guide
Roadside Mowing

The County of Vermilion Rivers uses a contractor to mow municipal roadsides. This year, between July 15 and August 15, 2023, the contractor will mow the ditches along high traffic roads only .
Mowing assists with integrated weed control, enhances road maintenance, and improve visibility and public safety. The roadsides are mowed to reduce tall vegetation and snow trapping and improve the line of sight.
For questions or concerns about the mowing program, please call the Agriculture and Environment Department at 780-846-2244
Haying Program
If you want the County to delay herbicide application along a portion of roadside by their property so it can be hayed, landowners can apply for a Hay agreement by May 31.
Other applicants can apply for a hay agreement between May 31 and June 15. With a signed Hay Agreement, the County will delay spraying the designated roadside until July 15. All haying along County roadsides, with or without a Hay Agreement, must be completed before July 15 to allow roadside mowing.
A permit is not required to hay County roadsides. However, all work must be completed (hay cut, baled and bales removed) before July 15 to allow mowing and vegetation management.
We no longer accept forms to reserve ditch hay for producers without mowing it at any time. If a producer chooses to hay the ditch, the County will not manage who is permitted to cut where.
Road Side Spraying

The County of Vermilion will be spraying weeds and brush along road allowances starting in June. Roadside spraying will focus on different areas of the County based on the year.
In addition to spraying the spray zone, we will be selectively spraying noxious weeds and brush throughout the County. If you have an area that needs to be sprayed, please call the County office at 780-846-2244
- We use herbicides to control weeds and plant species that are undesirable along the side of the roads (including sweet clover, aspen, toadflax, and thistles) as a blanket spray program and spot spray treatments where appropriate.
- Please note that the County will not spray municipal road ditches within 30m (100 feet) adjacent to obviously maintained yard sites, tame shelterbelts, or dugouts.
- Obvious means that the operator can see the mowed/maintained area in time to stop spraying before they get to the driveway or maintained area.
- If weed issues arise in the above-listed areas, we will obtain written permission from the owner/occupant maintaining the area. If you are mowing or trimming your driveway or yard site, you do not need to apply for a No Spray Agreement for that area.
Our Noxious Weeds and Spraying Video explains more about our spray program
No Spray Agreements
No Spray Agreement Form
The County recognizes that some landowners do not want herbicides applied to the municipal road right of ways adjacent to their property, so No Spray Agreements are available to those ratepayers who agree to themselves control weeds and vegetation within the County ROW to meet the County’s vegetation management standards. Complete the No Spray Agreement before May 31 annually.
- Please note that No Spray Agreements are not necessary for areas of obviously maintained yard sites, tame shelterbelts and dugouts
Weed-Free Forage Program
Are you a forage producer who is interested in helping prevent the spread of invasive species? Contaminated hay is one way by which invasive species are spread, and there is a growing demand for certified “weed-free” hay, especially for use in protected natural areas and parks.
The County of Vermilion River is pleased to participate in Alberta’s Certified Weed Free Forage program. This program allows hay producers to have their forage inspected and certified as weed-free. The County of Vermilion River Agriculture & Environment Department will offer Weed-Free Forage inspection and certification to area producers.
Weed-Free Forage Certification requires a Certified Inspector to conduct a site visit and certify fields or portions of fields as weed-free. Forage stands are inspected according to North American Invasive Species Management Association (NAISMA) International standards, recognized for Alberta and across North America. Some invasive species can be present provided there are no plant propagules present that would enter the bales. Inspections must be done within 10 days of cutting. Inspections and certification are FREE – producers only have to purchase the specialized twine for marking the bales. The Alberta Invasive Species Council (AISC) maintains a current list of producers with inventory of Certified Weed Free Forage on their website to help with marketing.
Contact County of Vermilion River Agriculture & Environment Department for questions, to schedule inspections, and for assistance in sourcing the specialized twine, at 780-846-3301.
For more information on Weed-Free forage, AISC and marketing Certified Weed-Free Forage, please visit:
Prohibited and Noxious Weeds
The Government of Alberta keeps an updated listing of prohibited noxious and noxious weeds online (click here). Check out our noxious weeds and spraying video
Plants of Concern
WATER HEMLOCK | Has been found in the region. Read this information sheet for more details. |
JIMSONWEED (Devil's Trumpet) | Has been found in the province. Read these two documents on how to handle it if you find it in your crops. Jimsonweed Update Government of Alberta Alert on Jimsonweed |