Request a Fire Permit

Alberta Fire Permit - Free

Permittee Information

You will also need to provide contact information for the property owner below. 

Burn Information

Please enter one of the following:

  • legal land location (e.g. SE-35-50-3 W4)
  • rural address (e.g. 505040 Highway 897)
  • lot/block/plan (e.g. Lot 1, Block 1, Plan 1234567)

You can enter multiple locations if needed.

Note: Broad locations such as "Canada" or "Alberta" are not valid land locations and will delay processing.

Fire Permits are not issued within hamlets or industrial subdivisions. 

Please review our Fire Permit Info Sheet for more information on what can and can't be burned.


Responsibilities of the Permit Holder

  1. The safe control of the burning authorized.
  2. Will only burn when winds are less than 20 kilometres per hour according to Environment Canada for your area.
  3. A minimum of one adult per burn pile, capable of extinguishing the fire, will be in attendance and supervising the fire at all times;
  4. Sufficient tools, equipment, manpower, and water are readily available for the size of the burn being conducted;
  5. The fire must be extinguished by dark (unless being supervised overnight). 
  6. A copy of the fire permit will be kept at the site of the fire and MUST be produced upon request by fire personnel, or by a Peace Officer at the site. 
  7. Burning may not be conducted when wind blows smoke towards a primary or secondary highway within 1/2 kilometer of the burn site. 
  8. Burning may not be conducted when wind blows smoke towards residential or commercial structures within 1 kilometer of the burn site.  
  9. Burn site is at least 15 meters (about 50 feet) away from any structures or combustible material
  10. Extinguish the fire when ordered, if the permit expires, or if the permit is cancelled or suspended.

Agriculture Burning

  • Windrows and piles cannot exceed 60 meters in length and are separated by an 8 meter break.
  • Windrows and piles must be at least 25 meters from any uncleared land or vegetation.
  • Windrows must be separated from each other by at least 15 meters.
  • The area to be burned is cleared must be cleared of combustible material for at least 15 meters around the perimeter. 

The Permittee agrees to indemnify and save harmless the County of Vermilion River from all liability arising out of the operations authorized by this fire permit. The Permittee agrees to pay the cost of extinguishing fires caused by willful violation of any condition set out in this fire permit. Any person authorized to conduct burning pursuant to this permit shall be responsible to the County of Vermilion River for the cost of extinguishing the fire. 

The permit will be valid for 30 days from the date of approval.


By filling out the fields below, the permit holder attests that the information provided is accurate, that they have the authority to sign the fire permit and that they have thoroughly read and understand the conditions of the fire permit. 

FOIP (Privacy Statement)

The information provided is collected under the authority of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP) Act, Section 33(c). The information will be used solely by the County of Vermilion River Protective Services.

Questions concerning collection of this information can be directed to the County of Vermilion River FOIP Coordinator at 780-846-2244.  

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