Agriculture Plastics Recycling Program

The County of Vermilion is proud to offer to solutions to recycling agriculture plastics by offering rental equipment and local plastic collection sites.
Plastic Twine
Recycle your clean, bagged plastic twine at the Vermilion Waste Transfer site or by appointment ONLY and the County of Vermilion River.
The County of Vermilion River has partnered with Cleanfarms to provide recycling solutions for agriculture plastic in the county. This service is offered free of charge to agriculture producers operating within the County. We collect grainbags and twine to be recyclyed at the:
Vermilion Waste Transfer Site.
- The transer site is open from 9:00 am-4:45 pm
- Monday-Saturday
- 780-583-4572
- SW 5-51-6W4 or 1.5 kilometers North of Vermilion on Pare Drive
WATCH OUR VIDEO showcasing the Bag Roller system for Agriculture Plastics Recycling!
Pesticide Jugs Under 23L |
Pesticide jugs under 23L must be placed into clear, agricultural plastic collection bags avialable from Ag-Retailer or Transfer Site Operators.
Continue to empty jugs, triple or pressure rinse, remove caps and booklets, then place them into collection bags. After January 1, 2022, jugs can be retunred to Ag-Retailer or the Clandonald, Marwayne, Paradise Valley or Vermilion Waster Transfer sites. |
Grainbags |
The Vermilion Waste Transfer Site accepts clean, tightly rolled grain bags Unrolled bags will not be accepted. Vermilion is currently the only site in the county that collects bags. To incourage producers to recylce grainbag, we have a variety of rollers for farmers to use to roll their grainbags free of charge. Please call ahead to book rollers to avoid disappointment. There are two different types of grainbag rollers avaible to better serve producers and reduce wait time The Kirchner Roller
Twine |
The transfer site accepts clean, knot free, bagged twine. Knotted twine will not be accepted. Twine bags are available at the County or the Transfer Station. Please ensure there is no hay in the twine bags Requirements for Twine:
Net Wrap and Silage Tarps | Currently, we are not accepting net wrap to be recycled. Net wrap has several different types of plastics that cannot be recycled. Net wrap gets caught in the shreading machines needed for recycling and causes issues. Please do not include Net Wrap in your rolled grainbags or in your twine bags to be recycled.
Silage tarps are also not accepted becuase there are no markets for the recyled material. |
Unwanted Pesticide and Livestock Medication |
Please see the Cleanfarms website for updates