Submit Your Meter Reading

Since 2012, County Gas Utility has been utilizing an Automated Meter Reading (AMR) system to retrieve gas meter readings each month without having to enter yards.
Unfortunately, in the winter of 2021, our AMR system experienced widespread failures due to extreme cold temperatures. Although we are actively working on replacing these AMR meters, we are faced with supply issues in addition to continued failing transmitters. This issue is affecting most natural gas providers in Alberta.
Due to this challenge of not being able to remotely read all gas meters, we are requesting that our customers provide a physical meter on or as close to the 1st of each month. This will avoid having an estimated gas usage on your bill. If your bill states ‘Actual Read’ (see example above), no meter reading is required. The meter read can be sent to us by phoning the office at 780-846-2222 or by clicking the link below.
Click here to submit your meter reading