
Road Maintenance Program

The County has 16 full-time grader beats covering approximately 90 to 100 miles each. Each grader is responsible for 10 to 12 miles per day with the following guidelines: maintain a 4" crown, do not leave windrows, remove large rocks, feather gravel evenly. The frequency that roads are graded is based on traffic volume, but may vary with necessity. 

Visit our real time map of all ongoing gravelling. 

Please report any concerns regarding any municipal road conditions to our Public Works team by phone at 780.846.3309, by email at, or by the Report a Concern.

If you have a concern regarding a provincial highway (Highway 16, Highway 41, Highway 45, Secondary Highway 893, Secondary Highway 897, Secondary Highway 619, Highway 631, Highway 641, etc.) please contact Alberta Transportation. 

Community Aggregate Payment Levy

On August 23, 2022 the County of Vermilion Council passed a motion to implementBylaw 22-07 Community Aggregate Payment Levy.  This Bylaw allows the County of Vermilion River to collect funds per-tonne of aggregate extracted from pits in the County of Vermilion River to recover costs associated with heavy wear and tear.

Aggregate business owners/operators, (gravel and sand producers) will be required to report all shipments of sand and gravel from any pit within the boundaries of the County of Vermilion River on a quarterly basis.

Upon receiving the shipment report, The County of Vermilion River will send out an invoice at a rate of $0.40 per tonne of sand and gravel shipments.

Shipment reports should be filled out using Schedule "A" Sand and Gravel Shipments - Quarterly Report

Quarterly shipment reports should be received annually within fourteen (14) days of the following:

March 31 June 30
September 30 December 31

A penalty of 2 percent per month shall be added to any levy that remains unpaid 30 days after the date of issuance of a levy notice.

Reports can by submitted to:

County of Vermilion

Box 69, Kitscoty AB T0B 2P0

By Email:

By Fax: (780) 846-2716

Amounts must be reported in tonnes.  If weigh scales are unavailable, please use the following conversions:

1 cubic meter = 1.365 tonnes of sand

1 cubic meter = 1.632 tonnes of gravel

1 cubic meter = 1.308 cubic yards

Gravel Sale

The County of Vermilion River does not have gravel for sale.