Information for Voters

Election Day

Election day is Monday, October 20, 2025. Polls will open at 9:00 a.m. and close at 8:00 p.m. More details will be provided soon. 


To be eligible to vote in the 2025 Municipal Election you must be:

  • at least 18 years of age;
  • a Canadian citizen, and
  • a resident in Alberta for the six consecutive months immediately preceding election day and the person's place of residence is located in the division on election day (Excerpt from Local Authority Election Act, Sec. 47)

In order to vote, you must produce one piece of identification for inspection.  Acceptable forms of identification are:

  • Government issued identification which contains a photograph of the elector and their address  (preferred).  Passports are not accepted. OR:
  • Other document clearly stating the name and address or land location of the elector

Special Ballots (Mail in Voting)

Voters who are unable to vote at their designated advance vote or Election Day voting station, may apply to vote by special (mail-in) ballot, starting on August 1, 2025.


Advance Voting

All advance voting will be posted here, when available.

Voting Location

On Election day, you can only vote at your designated voting location. You cannot vote in another division other than your own on election day.

The Locations will be updated as more information becomes available.