Information for Candidates

Interested in running for Council in the 2025 Municipal Election? 

Nominations open on January 1, 2025 and close at 12:00 pm on nomination day, September 22, 2025.


An individual who intends to be nominated or has been nominated to run for election in a local jurisdiction as a candidate must give written notice to the County of Vermilion River.  Candidates intending to run in the County of Vermilion River municipal election must fill out the Notice of Intent form.

The Nomination period runs from January 1, 2025, through to September 22, 2025, with the deadline to submit papers being 12:00 p.m. on September 22, 2025. Nomination forms are available to be picked up from the County of Vermilion River Temporary Office. 

Nomination forms must be handed in by appointment to the Returning Officer, Hannah Musterer on or before September 22, 2025. 

Municipal Election Nomination Package

Download the Municipal Election Nomination Package

This guide has been developed to answer questions and provide information most frequently asked by candidates prior to Nomination Day.  It is your responsibility to be familiar with the candidate requirements.  We urge you to obtain a reference a copy of the Local Authorities Election Act and the Municipal Government Act.  If you have any questions please contact the returning officer at or calling 780-846-2244 ext. 3304


There are several forms candidates need to complete to run in the municipal election, including the Notice of Intent, Candidate Information and the Nomination Papers.  These forms can also be found in the Candidate Information Guide. 

Notice of Intent

An individual who intends to be nominated or has been nominated to run for election in a local jurisdiction as a candidate must give written notice to the local jurisdiction in which the individual intends to run or has been notified.  This form should be completed first, and submitted to the Returning Officer, before starting the nomination paperwork.

Download Notice of Intent form

Candidate Information

The candidate must also fill in the Candidate Information form.

Download Candidate Information form

Nomination Paper and Candidates Acceptance

Nominations must be signed by a minimum of five electors.  These electors must be residents of the local jurisdiction on the date they signed the form and must be eligible to vote in the election.  The electors who sign the nomination form must also be a resident of the ward for which the candidate is being nominated.  

Download Nomination Paper and Candidates Acceptance form




Term of Office

It is essential to recognize that serving as a Council member demands a significant amount of time and effort. Being elected as a Councillor is a four year commitment to public service, requiring substantial hours to fulfill your duties and responsibilities.

Over the course of your four year term as Councillor, you will need to attend numerous meetings, conferences, conventions, training workshops, and social events. A considerable amount of your time will be spent reading and preparing for meetings to make well-informed decisions. You will also be expected to attend various functions and events, representing the municipality as a dignitary, official, or spokesperson, often during the day, in the evenings, and on weekends.

To help manage these responsibilities, meeting agendas and materials are made available electronically to Council members. You will be expected to use a smartphone, computer, or tablet to receive emails, access Council agendas and correspondence.

Being a Council member becomes a way of life, as you are constantly engaging with the community while representing the municipality. As a public figure, people will frequently approach you to discuss County of Vermilion River matters. You will receive calls during both business hours and after hours, including evenings and weekends. This heavy demand on your time should be carefully considered, as you will need to balance your duties with your personal life and other commitments.

Time Commitment

The 2025 Council Calendar is included to demonstrate the time commitment of Council members. The calendar is subject to change.

The County of Vermilion River Council generally meets twice a month for regular Council meetings. Additionally, they may meet once a month for Policy and Priorities committee meetings. These meetings are typically held during day-time hours.

In addition to regular meetings, Special Council meetings, such as Budget Meetings and Strategic Planning sessions, may be booked as required, typically three or four meetings a year.

Each Council members will also be appointed by Council to serve as members on various committees and as alternate members on other committees. Committee meetings may or may not be held during day-time hours, and there will be evening meetings to attend as well. Some committees meet more often than others.

These meetings can have lengthy agenda packages averaging 200 pages to 600 pages per agenda package that must be reviewed prior to meetings.

Immediately after the official results of the election have been released all Council members, newly re-elected, will be required to attend mandatory orientation training sessions in the following days after the election.

Things to Note

If elected you will be required to follow all pertinent Federal and Provincial, plus additional legislation pertinent to local governments which are contained in the Alberta Municipal Government Act, and other pertinent legislation. This is important to note as municipal leaders have various rules and regulations that must be followed.

Mandatory Training

As part of your role as a Councillor, you must attend mandatory training after you are elected.  The County of Vermilion River has training booked for Thursday, October 30, 2025, from, 9:00 am to 4:00 pm that ALL Councillors must attend.  Training will take place in Kitscoty.